Alfa Romeo 147 FL (2005 – 2010) – fuse box diagram

Alfa Romeo 147 FL (2005 – 2010) – fuse box diagram

Year of production: 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010

Fuse box on dashboard

Alfa Romeo 147 - wiring diagram - fuse box diagram - dashboard
Alfa Romeo 147 – wiring diagram – fuse box diagram – dashboard

Fuse box next to battery

Alfa Romeo 147 - wiring diagram - fuse box diagram - battery
Alfa Romeo 147 – wiring diagram – fuse box
diagram – battery

Fuse box on battery positive pole

Alfa Romeo 147 -  wiring diagram - fuse box diagram - battery -  positive pole
Alfa Romeo 147 – wiring diagram – fuse box diagram – battery positive pole

Fuse summary table

Lights Location Fuse Ampere rating [A]
Hazard warning light Dashboard F53 10
Right dipped-beam headlight Dashboard F12 10
Left dipped-beam headlight Dashboard F13 10
Main-beam headlight Battery F2 15
Foglight Battery F30 15
Braking light Dashboard F37 10
Reversing light Dashboard F35 7,5
+30 direction indicators Dashboard F53 10


Services Figure Fuse Ampere rating [A]
Selespeed transmission pump Battery (positive pole) 30
Ignition switch Battery (positive pole) IGN (MAXI-FUSE) 30
Headlight aiming device Dashboard F13 10
Climate control system Dashboard F31 7,5
Climate control system Dashboard F39 15
Climate control compressor Battery F1 7,5
Heater unit relay coils Dashboard F31 7,5
Key-operated +30 Dashboard F32 15
Selespeed transmission Battery F11 15
Selespeed transmission Dashboard F51 7,5
Radio Dashboard F39 15
Navigator Dashboard F39 15
Rearscreen wiper Dashboard F52 15
Left rear power window Dashboard F33 20
Right rear power window Dashboard F34 20
Rearscreen heating Dashboard F40 30
Windscreen – rearscreen washer (two-way pump) Dashboard F43 30
Cigar lighter Dashboard F44 20
Seats with electric heating Dashboard F45 15
Heated wing mirrors – heated nozzles Dashboard F51 7,5
Cruise control Dashboard F35 7,5
Central door locking Dashboard F38 20
Headlight washer Battery F5 20
Services + 30 Dashboard F39 15
Primary services (electronic injection) Battery F8 7,5
Secondary services (electronic injection) Battery F9 15
Secondary services Dashboard F49 7,5
Volumetric sensors Dashboard F39 15
VDC system sensor Dashboard F42 7,5
Steering angle sensor Dashboard F42 7,5
EOBD system diagnosis socket Dashboard F39 15
Cell phone provision Dashboard F39 15
Driver’s door control unit supply Dashboard F47 20
Passenger’s door control unit supply Dashboard F48 20
Controls lighting Dashboard F49 7,5
Climate control system controls lighting Dashboard F35 7,5
Instrument cluster Dashboard F37 10
Instrument cluster Dashboard F53 10
Driver’s door control unit Dashboard F39 15
ABS control unit Dashboard F42 7,5
ABS control unit Battery (positive pole) ABS (MAXI-FUSE) 50
Dashboard control box Battery (positive pole) CPL2 (MAXI-FUSE) 50
Boot control unit Dashboard F39 15
Air – bag control unit Dashboard F50 7,5
Electronic injection control unit +30 Battery F6 7,5
Dashboard control unit Battery (positive pole) CPL1 (MAXI-FUSE) 70
Climate control fan Battery (positive pole) A/C (MAXI-FUSE) 40
Radiator fan Battery (positive pole) FAN1 (MAXI-FUSE) 40
Radiator fan Battery (positive pole) FAN2 (MAXI-FUSE) 40
Horn Battery (positive pole) F3 15
Fuel pump Battery F4 15
Tailgate electric unlocking Dashboard F60(*) 25
Electronic injection system Battery F11 7,5
Bose system Dashboard F61(*) 25
Bose system Dashboard F62(*) 15
Sunroof Dashboard F63(*) 20
Sun roof Dashboard F46 15
Petrol/ignition coil injectors Battery F10 15
Services Battery F12 7,5
Electronic injection Battery (positive pole) EFI (MAXI-FUSE) 30
Engine compartment fuse carrier module Battery (positive pole) JB3 (MAXI-FUSE) 50

(*) Fuse behind dashboard control box on an auxiliary bracket

WARNING: Terminal and harness assignments for individual connectors will vary depending on vehicle equipment level, model, and market.